Monday, April 19, 2010

week two baby!

That's right, week two of the c25k is here! I walk/jogged 1.7 miles in 25ish minutes, I could do better but hey considering the hills in this 'hood it's not too bad at all. I have also begun following the sparkpeople meal plan, today is day 1. At first I thought no way can I eat all of this food! Well surprise surprise it isn't as much as it seems and your body burns through it quickly so I am actually, surprisingly, HUNGRY. So hungry I could eat my dinner and go back for thirds.

To make me even hungrier I made the yummiest hummus with sesame oil and I tell you I just want to lick that bowl clean, or take a bath in it, whichever. It's that good people. And so much cheaper & healthier than the store bought stuff. Totally a win-win if you ask me.

Oh yes, finally the dinner timer is buzzing which means I can put some food in my bellay!

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