Tuesday, June 8, 2010

itchy itchy scratchy scratchy

My poor Pixie has a raging case of hives :-( They started last night out of the blue and I can't for the life of me figure out what could have caused them. She used to have food allergies but they haven't reared their heads in 4 years, not since we basically cured them through the use of homeopathics. The have progressively spread all over her body today and now her poor lips are also swollen. I am not likely to sleep much tonight to make sure her tongue/throat don't swell. If that happens we will be off to the ER right away. As is we have an appt for her early in the morning with the Dr and I foresee the fun of allergy testing up ahead. I've kept her moisturized with aveeno lotion and covered in calamine as well. Now it's on to the antihistamine to see if that will help alleviate some of the itchy and swelling. She is currently relaxing after a cool bath and watching She-Ra. I am contemplating a steamy mug of coffee so I can stay awake, it's been a long day!

I got in my 30 day shred workout, I started a challenge group on fatsecret.com for it and like that I'll be doing this alongside others as well. Then this evening I headed down to Curves to try out their circuit workout for free. The machines are cool but the workout is too short and too easy. I must say I love the stretching stand/contraption thingy an would kill to have one in my garage or something. My body is good and exhausted and really wants to just go to sleep. Now where is the energy to go make that cuppa?

1 comment:

  1. When I was thinner and used to do Curves, they actually told me that I probably wouldn't get much out of it because there wasn't enough resistence. The place I LOVED was called Butterfly Life. They also have a "circuit" but it's weighted machines, not resistence, so you could make it as challenging as you needed it. Butterfly Life also had aerobics classes that were included in your use of the facilities.
