Monday, February 8, 2010

RCM Day 8: Pantry Essentials

Our Dear Mrs. B of CoaPSM has become ill and put the RCM on delay for a few days, but over here at Chez Pin Up we are plugging along.

Here is this weeks schedule
Week 2
Mon: Pantry Essentials: What ingredients do you always have on hand?
Tues: Share your favorite bread recipe! *Giveaway Day*
Wed: Super Quick Meal: Have something you can whip up in 1/2 an hour or less? Share it today! *Giveaway day*
Thurs: Guest Blog
Fri: Dessert in a Jar: Share your favorite Dessert in a Jar *Giveaway Day*
Sat/Sun: Saturday and Sunday will get one recipe, something that's a little more involved and takes a bit of time to cook.

My pantry essentials:
dried beans of some sort
peanut butter
sugar (white and brown)
evaporated milk
sweetened condensed milk
cocoa powder
cornstarch/baking powder
boiullion cubes
variety of dried spices
powdered milk
variety of canned veggies

Even in a pinch, oh no our paycheck was shorted or we had an unexpected bill, I can still whip up something from my small bit of pantry essentials. What are your essentials?

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